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Become a part of elevating the ordinary


A CHANCE FOR YOU TO be the next mJA GLASS creator

Maker’s Pass collaborators will be selected from our community: MJA customers, artists, and influencers. The Makers will participate in each step of the process: design, prototyping, testing, and final creation. These custom designs will be exclusively available for purchase from MJA and in stores.

By the people, for the people

  • royalties earned for each unit sold!

  • product will remain active until it stops selling 250 units per month across ecommerce and wholesale.

  • After 12 months, if the first product created is still “active”, the MAKER will have the opportunity to create a second item and earn two royalties, one for each respective product. 


When Adam iLL began his love affair with cannabis at the age of 13, little...READ MORE+

When Adam iLL began his love affair with cannabis at the age of 13, little did he dream that his passion would evolve into his future purpose. In 2009, he truly made pot his profession when he created “The Potcast,” one of the first cannabis-focused podcasts, and he hasn’t looked back since. These days you can find Adam hosting and judging events around the country, live streaming, or hosting his newest show, “Getting High With,” streaming on all platforms!READ LESS-

California native Andy Roth has been blowing glass for over 11 years. He discovered this...READ MORE+

California native Andy Roth has been blowing glass for over 11 years. He discovered this calling shortly after high school and was captivated by the process of melting glass with a torch and all the artful glass pipes available online. Andy takes his glass to the next level by sourcing inspiration from everyday objects that tend to get overlooked, as well as architectural elements and classical glass forms.READ LESS-

Sasha, AKA Silenced Hippie, is based in RI and started her account on Twitter back...READ MORE+

Sasha, AKA Silenced Hippie, is based in RI and started her account on Twitter back in 2012. Feeling like she had to hide her consumption due to school and family, she came up with the name SilencedHippie. In 2014, she started her Youtube channel where she would consume and speak more openly about the plant while also sharing other aspects of her personal life like family, tie-dying and gardening. Sasha still goes by Silenced Hippie, but she is no longer silent about her cannabis use. To this day you can find Sasha spreading positive vibes and good times on all of her socials!READ LESS-

Richie Gage, born in sunny California, was introduced to glass art at 18. He realized...READ MORE+

Richie Gage, born in sunny California, was introduced to glass art at 18. He realized it was an excellent medium for his artistic expression. Later he moved to Montana, where he found a glassblowing community that helped him hone his craft. Though Richie no longer consumes, his love for the plant and knowledge of consumption push him to create new work daily. Look for his pieces on Instagram and in select head shops.READ LESS-


Frequently askED questions

What is the makers pass?

The Makers Pass is your ticket into an exclusive community of influencers, celebrities, and artists but most importantly, a community where EVERYONE is a creator. The pass will allow you to work in conjunction with the co-founder of MJ Arsenal to design and create a brand new product (of your choosing) from scratch while enjoying not only creative satisfaction but also financial benefits from the sales of your product. Get ready for your inspiration to become a reality.

What are the benefits of owning a makers pass?
  • The ability to create a product from scratch while learning and experiencing what the entire process looks like.
  • Joining an exclusive community of creatives and attaching yourself to the MJ Arsenal brand.
  • ROYALTIES: Yes, we said royalties! You will receive a certain percentage of all sales from the product you created. All products have a guaranteed lifespan of 3 months and as long as your product maintains a certain threshold of sales each quarter, your creation will continue to be sold and the royalties will keep flowing in.
How long is the creation process?
  • Design: This can vary depending on the complexity of the design but getting a drawing finalized will generally only take a few days. Once a drawing is complete, it is sent to our team of glass blowers and they can have a sample completed in a few days
  • Testing: After a sample is completed, we will begin testing the functionality of the design and if there are no issues, it can be put into production. Typically multiple samples need to be made before the final product is approved and this can be anywhere from 2-6 weeks depending on how many versions get made.
  • Production: After a final version is approved, our team of craftspeople will get to work on your product. The first production run will take anywhere from 2-4 weeks to be finished and arrive at our warehouse. After that, we begin pushing your product to the masses!
How do i become a maker?

There are four ways to become a maker for season 2 of Maker’s Pass. The first three are all submission based.

  1. The first way to enter is by simply entering your email. This submission is free and the person selected will be picked randomly. You can find the link to submit your email on the Maker’s Pass website page!
  2.  The second way you can enter to become a maker is through our Design Contest. Submit your design for a glass piece via email to MAKERSPASS@MJARSENAL.COM. The MJA team will choose the top 10 entries to participate in a community vote to select the winner of a spot in the next season of Maker's Pass!
  3. The third way you can enter to become a maker is through the #MAKEMEAMAKER. Post a video on socials with the hashtag #MakeMeAMaker sharing who you are, your story, and why you want to be a Maker. The MJA team will then select a winner from these story-based submissions!

4. The fourth way you can become a maker is through our loyalty program. We will be picking a random member from our existing Diamon Rewards.

Who are the season 1 makers?

Sasha (@silencedhippie)

Adam Ill (@adamill_)

Richie Gage (@richiegageglass)

Andy Roth (@andyrothglass)

are there any limitations to what i can create?

In general, if the shape/design can be blown, we can make it! You dream it, we help develop it and bring it to reality with our established design team, craftspeople, and supply chain.