Now that your terp slurper quartz banger is ready, it’s time to ensure your arsenal is stocked with everything you need for a proper smoke session. Here’s a quick step-by-step guide on how to use your slurper.
Step #1: What You’ll Need
You can’t use a sleek terp slurper banger without an equally stylish dab rig. Luckily, you can shop for various colorful or sleek mini rigs and models.
Next up in your line of smoking accessories is a trusty torch. The best models for dabbing are handheld and use either propane or butane. For maximum vaporization, look for one with built-in temperature control settings.
You’ll also need a dab tool to apply the sticky concentrate to your terp slurper banger without making a mess. Check out MJ Arsenal’s stainless steel dab tools — available in two sizes, both under ten bucks.
For added fun and flavor, purchase a few terp pearls. You can customize your experience by swapping pearls for your carb marble.
Note: Don’t confuse a terp pearl with the carb marble—also called a terp pill. These have different shapes that modify the airflow.
The sticky concentrate sticks to the glass terp balls with pearls, bringing out distinct aromas. An added bonus is that most slurpers can spin two glass terp balls.
Some smokers also prefer to add a carb cap. A carb cap is placed on your piece before you heat the nail. This accessory is another feature that makes the terp slurper unique and unlike other devices.
Last but certainly not least, you’ll need to stock up on your preferred concentrate. For added convenience, store fragrant wax in a glass bong with a built-in stash jar!
Step #2: Choosing the Best Temperature for Your Bangers
With your smoker’s toolbox assembled, it’s time to choose your ideal temperature — but where should you start?
Low Temperatures
Low temp dabs range from 350-400°F and offer the most flavor. Taking dabs at a low temperature provides a smooth hit with mellow potency. For this reason, many beginners or casual smokers prefer low-temp hits.
Mid Temperatures
Warm your dab nail to 400-600°F for a mid-temperature dab. The increased temperature offers enhanced vaporization and potency while retaining the flavor of terpenes.
High Temperatures
The most common temperature to take dabs is a high temperature of 600-700°F. The intense warmth instantly vaporizes wax and produces thick clouds of smoke. High-temperature hits are favored by veteran smokers for their super potency.
Step #3: Using Your Terp Slurper
It’s finally time to fire up your terp slurper quartz banger and enjoy the benefits. To properly use the accessory, follow these three simple steps:
- Drop two terp pearls into the banger.
- Make sure concentrate is easily accessible or loaded onto a dab nail
- Place the marble on top of the nail.
- Apply heat to the bottom dish for about 20 to 30 seconds
- Wait for the nail to cool for about 30 or 40 seconds.
After these steps, you’ll be ready to inhale and enjoy the unique features of our terp slurper quartz banger.